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The current time is...
Tuesday, 11 March 2025Jacob Standard Time (JCST) // Timezone & Abbreviation
UTC-07:00 // UTC Offset
Jacob Standard Time is a system of timekeeping I created, that is UTC+/- whatever I feel like. This system was first developed so that I could feel better about maintaining a bad sleep schedule, by adjusting the time zone so I could always go to bed at a reasonable time. Now, it is also useful as a timezone I can use from anywhere in the world, which is very useful as a frequent traveler. The time changes are highly unpredictable and individuals are strongly discouraged from using it.
I originate from the Pisces–Cetus Supercluster Complex, from the Virgo Supercluster of the Laniakea Supercluster, in the Milky Way Galaxy of the Local Group, from the Solar System in the Orion Arm. I was born on the North American continent of Planet Earth, within the State of Ohio in the United States of America in the City of Cincinnati at 20:18 local time on 17 April, Year 2003 of the Common Era. Since Year 2022 of the Common Era, I have resided on the European continent of Planet Earth, in the Federal Republic of Germany.
"REPORTED_SPECIES": "Homo_sapiens",
"OPERATING_SYSTEM": "Autism_Spectrum_Disorder",
I have a strong obsession with commercial aviation. My favorite aircraft is the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, with my favorite airlines being United Airlines and Lufthansa. To see further information on my air travel history, you can view my profile on myFlightradar24.
I enjoy Indie music, with Arcade Fire making up the bulk of my listening activity by far. I also enjoy C418, Los Campesinos!, and Tally Hall. The songs I listened to most recently are the following:
My preferred operating systems are Linux-based, with my distribution of choice being Ubuntu, though I will also use Windows. For my mobile device I use Android, which is undeniably the better choice in comparison to iOS. My favorite color is cyan, the exact same shade as the accent color used on this site. And for some final fun facts, my favorite animals are sauropod dinosaurs, geese, and crocodilians.